10 facts about me

August 20, 2017

It's a rainy day here in Latvia, I'm sitting on the sofa in my living room and writing this. Summer is almost over, and I feel like I've spent the past two months just sitting around and doing pretty much nothing. That's why today I decided to finally realize my idea of making a blog. 

I thought that my first post should be something that tells a bit about myself, so here is a list of 10 facts about me (original, I know).

  1.  That up there is me (about a year ago, but you get the idea). My name is Madara, and no, I was not named after a Naruto character. Madara is a flower that you can find practically in any meadow in Latvia.
  2.  I'm 17, turning 18 this year, and I was born on Christmas Eve - 24th of December.
  3.  My dream job is either a film director, cinematographer or a "National Geographic" photographer.
  4.  I can honestly say, I'm a book-o-holic! I love books with my whole heart, the only problem is, I buy them faster than I can read them!
  5.  Don't get me wrong, I love cats, but I'm definitely a dog person.
  6.  My favorite colors are all the colors you can find in a sunset.
  7.  I don't have any "common" fears like spiders, heights or needles. The only thing that really freaks me out are slugs.
  8.  I went to music school for eight years and can play four instruments - piano, guitar, ukulele and a Latvian folk instrument kokle.
  9.  I love thunderstorms! I find the sound of thunder extremely relaxing.
  10.  My goal in life is to travel to as many countries and explore as much of the world as I can, and share my experience with other people.

That's it! I hope that, if anyone is actually reading this, you enjoyed this little insight into my life, and that you'll stick around!


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